Home Windows Microsoft Vista Vista: Move the Search Index to a Faster Drive

Vista: Move the Search Index to a Faster Drive


If your system has multiple hard drives, you can improve search performance by moving the index to a faster drive (like your SATA drive). To move the search index, follow these instructions:

1. Go to the Control Panel.

2. Select System and Maintenance.

3. Select Indexing Options.

4. Click the Advanced button.

5. When the UAC prompt appears, click Continue.

6. Under the Index location section, click the Select new button.

7. Navigate to the drive that will host the index and click the Make New Folder button.

8. Input a name for the folder.

9. Click OK.

10. Click OK to close the Advanced Options window.

11. Click the Close button to close the Index Options window.

12. Reboot your system.



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