Friday, July 26, 2024
HomeInternetGoogleGoogle Wave: Save Time By Using Keyboard Shortcuts

Google Wave: Save Time By Using Keyboard Shortcuts

By eliminating the need to leave your keyboard, you can perform a number of actions so much quicker. These include navigation, message formatting, message management, and editing.


  • Space Bar – takes you to the next unread message

  • Home Button – takes you to the first message

  • End Button – takes you to the last message

  • Up and Down arrows – Navigate up and down the message list

  • Left and Right arrows – Switch from digest panel and wave panel

  • Ctrl+Space Bar While focus is on Wave Panel – mark all messages as read

  • Message Formatting:

  • Ctrl+G – Color selected text (bring up a popup window for inputing desired color)

  • Ctrl+B – Toggles bolding on selected text

  • Ctrl+I – Toggles bolding on selected text

  • Ctrl+5 – Toggles Bullets

  • Ctrl+7 – Left align

  • Ctrl+8 – Right align

  • Ctrl+C – Copy selected text

  • Ctrl+V – Pasted copied text

  • Ctrl+X – Cut selected text

  • Message Management:

  • Enter – Replies to selected message

  • Ctrl+R – Replies to selected message

  • Ctrl+E – Edit message

  • Ctrl+Enter – Insert inline reply while editing

  • Rob Rogers
    Rob Rogers
    Once a prolific author here on Tech-Recipes, Rob has moved on to greener pastures.


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