Home Browsers Mozilla Firefox Firefox 3: Change Download Location in XP, Vista, or OS X

Firefox 3: Change Download Location in XP, Vista, or OS X


Many users want to change the default download location for firefox. Following these directions will allow the user to set the firefox 3 download folder or directory in any windows or OS X computer. How to set it to prompt for location is also covered.

Although it drives many people crazy, I love downloading software to my desktop. I think it’s the most convenient place. Other people like a specialized folder/directory for downloads. Either way, here is how to set the download location in firefox 3.

1. On windows XP or Vista boxes, you will need to select the Options selection from the Tools menu. On OS X boxes, select the Preferences menu from the Firefox menu. The rest of the steps are the same.

2. In the window that appears, select the Main tab.

3. In the Downloads section, browse and select your desired location in the Save files to textbox. You can also decide if you want firefox to prompt you for the download location for each download by selecting the Always ask me where to save files option.



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