Home Windows Windows 7 Windows 7 – Prevent Live Messenger from Opening at Start Up

Windows 7 – Prevent Live Messenger from Opening at Start Up


I have been setting up a new Microsoft Windows 7 computer for my father. The annoyance of Live Messenger continues to live in all the windows versions. Here is how to prevent Microsoft Live Messenger from running and opening every time you restart your computer.

As long as Microsoft Messenger has existed, people have wanted it to go away. Windows 7 is no different. Here is how to prevent it from opening when you computer first boots up:

1. Click the Blue Circle Question Mark button on the right side of Live Messenger

2. Click Show the menu bar

3. From the menu, select Tools and then Options

4. Click Sign In

5. Unselect the checkbox with Automatically run Windows Live Messenger when I log on to Windows

6. Click OK and close out Live Messenger to finish.



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