Home Windows Windows 7 Windows 7: How to Rebuild the Search Index

Windows 7: How to Rebuild the Search Index


If your system has become sluggish due to a slow performing index, or if the search functionality seems to not be working, a rebuild of the search index can restore performance to its previous level.

1. Go to the Control Panel.

2. View All Control Panel Items by changing the View by setting in the upper-right corner from Category to either Large icons or Small icons.

3. Select Indexing Options.

4. Click the Advanced button.

5. When the UAC prompt appears, click Continue.

6. Under the Troubleshooting section, click the Rebuild button.

7. Click OK when the confirmation box appears.

8. Click the Close button to close the Index Options window.

It will take a little time for your system to rebuild the index, Search will not function until the rebuild has completed.



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