Home Internet Google Prevent Google from Placing Your Site in the Cache/Archive

Prevent Google from Placing Your Site in the Cache/Archive


Google automatically forms a cache of your site; however, you can disable this.

I use Google’s cache all the time. Websites get slashdotted or are down for some reason, and Google keeps a nice copy for your pleasure. Google cache is another excellent place view information if the page you want to view is blocked such in a restricted enterprise environment. Typically, google cache is a healthy function for both the publisher and the reader.

However, some sites contain a lot of private information. Other people may have a problem with Google keeping a copy of their information for copyright reasons. Google has created a meta-tag that prevents the google bot from archiving your content.

Placing the following meta-tag in the head of your webpage will prevent Google from forming a cache of your site:

<meta name=%u201Dgooglebot%u201D content=%u201Dnoarchive%u201D >



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