Saturday, July 13, 2024
HomeInternetFacebook: Use Keyboard Commands for Quick Navigation

Facebook: Use Keyboard Commands for Quick Navigation

If you want to navigate Facebook quickly, then keyboard commands are definitely the way to go. These will save you mouseclicks in doing day-to-day tasks as well as changing your settings.

Go to Facebook and login to your account and then use the following commands (use the number keys on the keyboard and not the numberpad):

For Windows: (Please note that IE users must press the ENTER key after entering the keyboard combination; Firefox users must hold down the SHIFT key in addition to the command; Chrome does not require any additional keystrokes)

ALT+M: Open a new message window (doesn’t work for IE)

ALT+1: News Feed

ALT+2: Your Profile

ALT+3: Friend Requests dropdown

ALT+4: Messages dropdown

ALT+5: Notifications dropdown

ALT+6: Account Settings

ALT+7: Privacy Settings

ALT+8: Goes to Facebook’s Page (

ALT+9: Facebook Statements of Rights and Responsibilities

ALT+0: Help Center

ALT+/: Places cursor in the Search box at top of page.

For Mac OS X: (Safari and Chrome)

CTRL+OPTION+M: Open a new message window (doesn’t work for IE)

CTRL+OPTION+1: News Feed

CTRL+OPTION+2: Your Profile

CTRL+OPTION+3: Friend Requests dropdown

CTRL+OPTION+4: Messages dropdown

CTRL+OPTION+5: Notifications dropdown

CTRL+OPTION+6: Account Settings

CTRL+OPTION+7: Privacy Settings

CTRL+OPTION+8: Goes to Facebook’s Page (

CTRL+OPTION+9: Facebook Statements of Rights and Responsibilities

CTRL+OPTION+0: Help Center

CTRL+OPTION+/: Places cursor in the Search box at top of page.

Rob Rogers
Rob Rogers
Once a prolific author here on Tech-Recipes, Rob has moved on to greener pastures.


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