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HomeInternetAndroidNexus One: How to Post to Google Buzz from Voice Search

Nexus One: How to Post to Google Buzz from Voice Search

If you’re on the go and need to make a quick post to Google Buzz, you can easily do so with the help of Voice Search on your phone.

1. Long press the Search key to bring up Voice Search.

2. Speak the following:
post buzz [message to be posted on buzz]

Where [message to be posted on buzz] is what you want to post.

3. Your browser will open with a Buzz message window containing the desired message. Make any necessary corrections and select the Post button.

You can also use Quick Search to post to Google Buzz

1. Select the Search Key to bring up Quick Search.

2. Input the following:
post buzz [message to be posted on buzz]

Where [message to be posted on buzz] is what you want to post.

3. Your browser will open with a Buzz message window containing the desired message. Select the Post button.

Rob Rogers
Rob Rogers
Once a prolific author here on Tech-Recipes, Rob has moved on to greener pastures.


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