Friday, July 26, 2024
HomeInternetHow Do I Delete My Google Plus Account?

How Do I Delete My Google Plus Account?

With the increasing number of social networking services, you may feel a bit overwhelming when using too many of them. If you have decided to leave the Google+ world behind, delete the account to keep your personal informations safe.

1. Log in to your Google +1 account.

2. Click your name in the Google + bar -> Account settings.

3. Go to Account overview.

4. Choose Delete Google+ content, check Required: I understand that deleting this service can’t be undone and the data I delete can’t be restored and hit Remove selected services.

Note: It may take some days to completely delete your account.

Lê Hoàng
Lê Hoàng
When not creating exciting new Android games, Lê Hoàng is here crafting tutorials, tweaks, and fixes for your enjoyment.


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