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HomeInternetHipTop SidekickCSK/SK2: Uploading Ringtones Via Hiptones XP/Hiptones XP Tips

CSK/SK2: Uploading Ringtones Via Hiptones XP/Hiptones XP Tips

This tech-recipe explains how to use Hiptones XP to upload ringtones that you have created for the Color Sidekick or the Sidekick 2.

-Download and install the developer’s kit from for your device.
-Apply this to the developer key using your Sidekick’s IMEI # and your username.
-Upload the developer’s key received in an email to your Sidekick. This allows it to upload apps, tones, etc (unlocks it for developer’s use).
-Upload the Hiptones bundle file using the HT console.

Step 1 – Create a Ringtone
Danger lists the following requirements for ringtones:
– .wav or .aif file
– under 100kb in size (for max performance)
– under 15secs in length (again for max performance)
– IMA WAV 4:1 compression
– highpass filter at 250hz
– 4db boost at 4000hz
– 8-bit, mono
– 11 kHz bitrate

I use Nero Waveditor or Sonic Foundry to crop my songs and to do the higpass filter and 4000hz boot. Then I save it as a normal wav file.

Next, I use a sound recorder to convert the song to the IMA wav file with 11 kHz bitrate, 8-bit mono sound and as a .wav.

2 – Uploading to Hiptones XP
Choose ONE of the following:
a. Get a a free website from
b. Set up your own web server.

Once you have set up a website or your own web server, upload your .wav file to your site/server, and open the Hiptones XP application on the Sidekick.

Go to the Site Manager. Then find Menu > Add URL. Add your full web address to the folder where you are going to save your ringers (e.g.,

Now, you should have an address listed on the Site Manager. Highlight it, and click it. Then type in the Internet address of your ringtone (e.g., Also, type in the name of the ringtone, and click Fetch.

You now have your own custom, hifi ringer for the cheap price of the time it took you to learn to use the developer’s kit and to create the ringtone. For some, that equals $2.99 (the cost of the ones they can buy rather than create).

Hiptones XP Information and Usage Tips

Understanding the Storage Manager and Custom/System Store in Hiptones XP

-In Hiptones XP, you are given a system store and a custom store. The system store is basically the ringtones you can use on your CSK/SK2 as ringtones/alerts/etc. The custom store contains the ringtones you have uploaded. You can discard system ringtones, but they still are available in your custom store. Therefore, if you want, you can later copy a tone from the custom store to the system store. If you do not want the ringtone at all, just delete it from your custom store. This may take a few tries to understand.

Jimmy S
Jimmy S
Jimmy Selix is an early adopter that loves to be one of the first on the block to have the latest and greatest in technology and gadgets. Another love of his is being able to share his knowledge to others seeking it. Feel free to drop any comments or questions that you may have.


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