Home Internet Google Google+: Backup your data

Google+: Backup your data


When using online social services such as Google+ (Google Plus), it is important to backup your data incase something bad happen to your account. This tutorial shows you how to backup your Google Plus data which includes Circles and Stream as well as Google Profile, Picasa Web photos and Google Buzz data.

1. Sign in to your Google + account.

2. Click on your name in the Google + bar and choose Account settings.

3. Go to Data liberation.

4. In the Data liberation window, you can download all your data (include: Google Profile data, Picasa web album photos, Google Buzz data, Google + Stream and contacts). If you only want to backup your Google + stream and circles, choose Download your Stream data and Download your Contacts.

5. Click Create Archive.

6. Provide your account password again if Google asks you.

7. When the process is completed, hit Download button.

8. After unzipping the archive, you can find the circle and its contacts in Vcf files (contacts folder). Your stream can be found under Stream folder.



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