Home Windows Microsoft Vista Vista: Create an Administrative Command Prompt Shortcut

Vista: Create an Administrative Command Prompt Shortcut


If you are use the Administrative Command Prompt, it may be advantageous to create a shortcut for it instead of continually having to go to the shortcut for the command prompt, right-clicking and selecting Run as administrator.

1. Click the Start button and select All Programs.

2. Select Accessories.

3. Right-click and drag the shortcut for Command Prompt to your desktop.

4. Upon releasing the right mouse button, select Copy Here from the menu.

5. Right-click on the new shortcut and select Properties.

6. Click the Advanced button.

7. Check the Run as administrator checkbox.

8. Click OK to close the Advanced Properties window.

9. Click OK to close the shortcut’s Properties window.

10. Rename the new shortcut to reflect that it is the Adminstrative Command Prompt and move it to the desired location.



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