Friday, July 12, 2024
HomeMicrosoft OfficeMicrosoft ExcelExcel 2007: Use Custom View

Excel 2007: Use Custom View

If you find yourself modifying the display of your worksheet multiple times in the course of working with your spreadsheet, then the Custom Views functionality is definitely for you. Custom Views allows you to save changes to current position and magnification, column widths, row heights, print settings, frozen panes and more. Instead of constantly making these modifications and changing them back, you simply select your custom view and you’re there, switch back to your normal view and you’re back to the default view.

(Do this first) Make a default (normal view) custom view:

1. Make sure that your spreadsheet is in its standard view.

2. Click the View tab and select Custom Views.

3. Click Add.

4. In the Add View dialog box, input a name (like default or normal) and make sure the Print settings and Hidden rows, columns and filter settings checkboxes are checked.

5. Click OK.

6. Save your document.

To create your custom view:

1. Make the changes to the spreadsheet display that you want associated with the custom view.

2. Click the View tab and select Custom Views.

3. Click Add.

4. In the Add View dialog box, input a uniquie Name for your custom view. If you are changing Print settings and/or Hidden rows, columns and filter settings, then make sure these checkboxes are checked.

5. Click OK.

6. Save your document.

To use your custom view:

1. Click the View tab and select Custom Views.

2. Select the desired view and click Show.

To return to the normal view, repeat go back to Custom Views and select the default view that your created.

Rob Rogers
Rob Rogers
Once a prolific author here on Tech-Recipes, Rob has moved on to greener pastures.


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