Friday, July 26, 2024
HomeApple MacApp Store: Use Keyboard Shortcuts for Quick Navigation

App Store: Use Keyboard Shortcuts for Quick Navigation

Like many other applications, App Store has keyboard shortcuts associated with it for alternative navigation.

Command+Q – Quit App Store application

Command+H – Hide App Store window

Command+W – Close App Store window

Command+M – Place App Store window in Dock

Option+Command+H – Hide all other applications

Command+[ – Go to previous page

Command+] – Go to next page

Command+R – Refresh page

Command+F – Search

Edit shortcuts:

Command+A – Select all

Command+Z – Undo previous typing change

Command+X – Cut selected item(s)

Command+C – Copy selected item(s)

Command+V – Paste selected item(s)

Command+Shift+Z – Redo last undo procedure

Option+Command+T – Input special characters

Rob Rogers
Rob Rogers
Once a prolific author here on Tech-Recipes, Rob has moved on to greener pastures.


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