Sunday, July 21, 2024
HomeWindowsWindows Live Writer: Enable Reminders for Adding Categories and/or Tags

Windows Live Writer: Enable Reminders for Adding Categories and/or Tags

If you are like me, you get so focused on the content of your blog posting, that you forget to add the categories and tags for it. I usually have to go back and add this afterwards, each time thinking that I’ll do better with the next posting. Windows Live Writer can be set to remind you to add categories and/or tags before publishing, here’s how to enable this helpful functionality:

1. Open Windows Live Writer.

2. Click Tools and select Options.

3. Select Preferences from the left pane.

4. Under Publishing, check the Remind me to add categories before publishing and/or the Remind me to add tags before publishing checkboxes.

5. Click OK.

Rob Rogers
Rob Rogers
Once a prolific author here on Tech-Recipes, Rob has moved on to greener pastures.


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