Saturday, July 6, 2024
HomeInternetTwitter: Use Keyboard Shortcuts to Save Time

Twitter: Use Keyboard Shortcuts to Save Time

Keyboard shortcuts can make any application more time efficient if used correctly. Twitter is no exception. With these keyboard shortcuts, you’ll be able to accomplish a lot more on Twitter in less time.

Shortcuts for using on a selected tweet (one that has been clicked on and appears in right pane):

Shift + F – Add selected tweet to Twitter Favorites.
Shift + R – Reply to selected tweet.
Shift + T – Retweet selected tweet.

Shortcuts that work from anywhere within Twitter:

Press G, then R – Open Replies.
Press G, then M – Open Messages Inbox
Press G, then F – Open Favorites.
Press G, then H – Go Home.
Press G, then P – Display your profile.
Press G, then U – Go to another user’s profile, input Twitter name in displayed box.

. – Refresh list of tweets.
/ – Go to Search box.
M – Opens a new Message in a pop-up window.
N – Opens a new tweet in a pop-up window.

Rob Rogers
Rob Rogers
Once a prolific author here on Tech-Recipes, Rob has moved on to greener pastures.


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