Friday, July 26, 2024
HomeWindowsRemove the Sony DRM Rootkit

Remove the Sony DRM Rootkit

Users should beware of Sony Music. Listening to one of their copy-protected CDs will install their Digital Rights Management system on your computer. The following tutorial explains how to remove it.

    • Any of the rootkit systems out there will detect Sony’s installation of a rootkit into your system. Sony uses this rootkit to attempt to hide their Digital Rights Management system.

Rootkits are bad for a several reasons. You can read more about them in tech-recipes’s introduction to rootkit scanning.

To remove the rootkit, you can install the directX-enabled DRM rootkit removal system from here:

David Kirk
David Kirk
David Kirk is one of the original founders of tech-recipes and is currently serving as editor-in-chief. Not only has he been crafting tutorials for over ten years, but in his other life he also enjoys taking care of critically ill patients as an ICU physician.


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