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HomeEntertainmentGamesHow to Enroll Your ELITE Clan For Clan Operations

How to Enroll Your ELITE Clan For Clan Operations

Call of Duty ELITE not only tracks and enhances one’s own game-play but is essential in improving your clan’s teamwork as well. Here is what you need to know to get started with Clan Operations.

When ELITE was released, many were heartbroken to find Clan Ops missing from the initial launch. “Oh well, I’m sure they’ll release it soon!” many thought. Then, discussion focused on the first DLC, but once again Clan Ops still didn’t make an appearance. Finally, one-hundred and five days after the release of ELITE, Clan Ops makes its debut.

Criteria for Listing for Clan Operations

You must be the Leader of your clan to enlist your can in Clan Operations. (You will need to make your own MW3 if one does not already exist.)

You need at least six clan members to stand a chance in Clan Operations. While having six members is not mandatory, the ELITE system scores the top six members of every clan enlisted in each Clan Ops challenge. If you only have three members, you’ll each have to do twice as much work to score the same as a with six members. Inviting additional members to your clan is simple.

Enrolling for Clan Operations

Once you’ve met the prerequisites, log into your Call of Duty ELITE account. By default, you’ll be redirected to your Career Summary page. Click COMPETE in the left menu.

Click Compete

You may need to scroll down the COMPETE page once it loads to find CLAN OPERATIONS. It’s located under LONE WOLF OPERATIONS. Once you see the Clan Ops section, you will notice it has the same layout as Lone Wolf and Events. The three competitions closet to starting will be displayed. Hovering your cursor over each competition will give you a brief description of what the competition is.

Hovering gives you a brief synopsis of the challenge

To view the full operation details and to enlist, just click the operation.

You’ll find two sections of interest on this page: DESCRIPTION and WINNER’S PODIUM. The description section gives a longer explanation of the challenge. The winner’s podium will show the prizes awarded to each clan per position finished. To enlist your clan for the operation you are browsing, click the ENLIST NOW button located to the top-right of the Description section.

Enlist Now
Click Enlist Now

You’ll be prompted with Call of Duty’s Terms & Conditions statement. Click Confirm.

Confirm TOS
Confirm the Terms of Service

You’ll now notice that the ENLIST NOW button has changed to ENLISTED.

Your clan is now enlisted

Clan Ops rewards typically do not change. They are as follows:

Overall Best Clan Score: Clan receives the Champion Badge and 2500 Clan XP.

Gold Clan Score: These clans scored in the top 10%. They receive a Gold Badge and 1000 Clan XP.

Silver Clan Score: These clans scored in the top 25%. They receive a Silver Badge and 500 Clan XP.

Bronze Clan Score: These clans participated in the challenge, placing in the top 100%. They receive a Bronze Badge and 250 Clan XP.



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